Meet Aztec ... He is 2 1/2 years old and 80 pounds. Aztec is a lover and gives great kisses. He's medium energy - which is a good thing. He can lay around the house on some days, but does like active days, as well. Aztec loves balls and toys to chew on, walks very well on leash and is a good listener - most of the time. He is usually not bothered when passing other dogs on leash but can be fearful of new places and sudden loud noises. He is playful and playing tug, and ball, are his favorite games. Aztec loves going for outdoor adventures and that's when he is really in his element. A hike and a swim makes him happy. He would do well in an active home that can keep him busy. Ending the day with lots of cuddles is special for him. At present, he sleeps in bed with his handlers and is calm in the evenings. He needs a new home because a female dog, his sister, is attacking him. He is fully up to date on all flea/tick prevention, heartworm prevention and vaccinations. His medical history will be provided. His personality is very happy and he likes to be involved with his human companions. He does well in the car; sitting quietly in the back, does not bark excessively and is just a really good dog! I mean ... look at that smile!