KFC Honors Employee On The Job For 47 Years

After nearly 47 years working at the KFC in West Memphis, Arkansas, Loretta Neely has decided to finally retire. Over the years, she’s held multiple positions at the establishment, eventually rising to the rank of manager. Her coworkers and customers have grown to love and appreciate Neely and now she’s being recognized for her hard work and commitment.

Before joining up with KFC, Neely worked in the cotton fields, but she says her prayers were answered when she got the job at the restaurant the same year she and her husband got married. She says it’s her dedication to serving others and her passion for the job that has kept her going. Neely has come to enjoy working with people, helping them develop their talents, and ensuring their success.

Upon learning of her retirement plans, her managers and the corporate leadership promptly celebrated her, recognizing her passion and strong work ethic. In her honor, the company has created the Loretta Neely Drive and Passion Award, which they’re calling the Living Legend Award. Neely is looking forward to traveling and spending time with her family and church after she retires.

Source: Action News 5

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