
State Trooper Finds Missing Man With Dementia, Reunites Him With Family

Last week, while at a doctorā€™s appointment with his wife, 87-year-oldĀ Julian PappĀ got in their car and drove off without her. Pappā€™s family says the Winston-Salem, North Carolina, man suffers from dementia and Alzheimer's and hasnā€™t driven in years, so they were concerned and a Silver Alert was issued for him.

After midnight that night, over 250 miles away in Knoxville, SergeantĀ Michael TurleyĀ of the Tennessee Highway Patrol went to check on a car parked on the side of the interstate and discovered Papp behind the wheel. With temperatures in the 30s that night, Turley decided to take the elderly man to a nearby Waffle House for a warm meal. He then stayed with Papp until his family arrived hours later.

Pappā€™s family is grateful to Turley for treating their father with ā€œso much compassion, dignity, and respect." But Turley says he is grateful to have had the opportunity to meet Papp. And when asked why he went so far to help a stranger, Turley says he was just doing what he hopes someone would do for his loved ones.

Source:Ā WXII 12

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